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Magellanic spiral galaxies are (usually) dwarf galaxies which are classified as the type Sm (and SAm, SBm, SABm). They are galaxies with one single spiral arm, and are named after their prototype, the Large Magellanic Cloud, an SBm galaxy. They can be considered to be intermediate between dwarf spiral galaxies and irregular galaxies.

Magellanic spirals

SAm galaxies are a type of unbarred spiral galaxy, while SBm are a type of barred spiral galaxy.[1] SABm are a type of intermediate spiral galaxy.

Type Sm and Im galaxies have also been categorized as irregular galaxies with some structure (type Irr-1).[1] Sm galaxies are typically disrupted and asymmetric.[2] dSm galaxies are dwarf spiral galaxies or dwarf irregular galaxies, depending on categorization scheme.

The Magellanic spiral classification was introduced by Gerard de Vaucouleurs, along with Magellanic irregular (Im), when he revamped the Hubble classification of galaxies.

Grades of Magellanic Spiral Galaxies

Example Type Image Information and Notes
Magellanic Spirals
NGC 5204 SAm Satellite of Pinwheel Galaxy
NGC 4676A SABdm
Part of a galaxy merger, to the left of it is the galaxy NGC 4676B.
NGC 4625 SABm It has only one spiral arm. In ultraviolet it extends four times farther than in visible light.
NGC 4236 SBdm In M81 Group
Large Magellanic Cloud SBm Prototype galaxy for this galaxy class, and satellite of Milky Way
Dwarf Magellanic Spirals
NGC 5474 dSm Satellite of Pinwheel Galaxy

List of Magellanic spirals

Barred (SBm)

Intermediate (SABm)

Unbarred (SAm)

See also


  1. Linda S. Sparke, John Sill Gallagher, Galaxies in the Universe: An Introduction, 2ed., Cambridge University Press, 2007, ISBN 978-0-521-85593-8
  2. citeBase; Neutral Hydrogen in the Interacting Magellanic Spirals NGC 4618/4625 Archived 14 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine; Stephanie J. Bush; Eric M. Wilcots; (accessed 1 March 2009)
  3. Paul B. Eskridge; "Recent Star and Cluster Formation in the Nearby Magellanic Spiral NGC 1311"; 'American Astronomical Society Meeting' 208, #14.04; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 38, p.93; (accessed 1 March 2009)
  4. University of Wisconsin, BARRED MAGELLANIC SPIRALS (accessed 1 March 2009)
  5. NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database

На других языках

- [en] Magellanic spiral

[es] Galaxia espiral magallánica

Las galaxias espirales magallánicas son normalmente una clase de galaxias enanas clasificadas como Sm (y SAm, SBm o SABm). Solo tienen un brazo espiral y deben el nombre a su galaxia prototipo: la Gran Nube de Magallanes. La galaxia más brillante visible desde nuestra propia Galaxia Vía Láctea es la Gran Nube Magallánica (GNM). Visible predominantemente desde el Hemisferio Austral de la Tierra, la GNM es la segunda galaxia más cercana, vecina de la Pequeña Nube Magallánica, y una de las once galaxias enanas conocidas que orbitan nuestra Galaxia Vía Láctea. La GNM es una galaxia irregular compuesta de una franja de viejas estrellas rojas, nubes estrellas azules más jóvenes, y una región de formación de brillantes estrellas rojas en la parte superior de la imagen de arriba, llamada la Nebulosa de la Tarántula. La supernova más brillante de los tiempos modernos, la SN1987A, se encuentra en la GNM.

[ru] Магелланова спиральная галактика

Магеллановы спиральные галактики (англ. Magellanic spiral) — карликовые галактики (обычно), обозначаемые как Sm (SAm, SBm, SABm). Являются галактиками с единственным спиральным рукавом; называются так по галактике-прототипу, Большому Магелланову Облаку, галактике типа SBm. Магеллановы slot спиральные галактики можно считать промежуточным типом между карликовыми спиральными галактиками и неправильными галактиками.

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